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Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance policies give you the reassurance, that your loved ones are protected should the inevitable happen. Your family will then not have to deal with any added stress, hardship or any financial burdens.

They will have the lump sum of your choosing, to cover any outstanding mortgage payments, household bills and future living cost or leave money to dependants to assist in their future.

It is the most thoughtful thing you could do for the important people in your bubble!

Why do you need Life Insurance?

Well if you have a partner, mortgage or financial agreements, definitely!

We hope not, but if the worse should happen, you will have the reassurance that you have covered your partner or children in the event of you passing away. This will help your relatives or dependants have the security of having your mortgage & debts paid off and possibly have money left over for their future.

Do you have a partner or children? If you have either or both, they may well rely on your income. Having a life insurance policy in place will give them the opportunity to continue living the standard of life you'd like for them. 

Term Assurance You choose the term of the policy and if you pass away within this term, then the insurance policy will pay out to your family.

Decreasing Term Assurance is mostly used to run alongside a mortgage. This is usually the cheapest form of insurance to have in place. You initially start off with a specific sum assured (usually matching your mortgage amount) and this reduces every year until there is no longer any sum assured to pay out at the end of the term.  

Whole of Life is a fully medically underwritten policy, this will give you added reassurance that the lump sum of your choice is guaranteed to pay out to your loved ones when you pass away. The premium can be guaranteed also, so even if you take this policy out at the age of 30, for example, you will always pay the same premium moving forward.



  • It pays out a lump sum if you pass away

  • You can choose who the policy pays directly to after you have passed away

  • You can choose the best sum assured and term to match your affordability

  • We will build a package best suited to your circumstances

Life Insurance FAQ’s

Do I need life insurance?

If you have a partner or family who may struggle to cope financially, then life insurance could offer the help they need at a very difficult time. However, if you are single with no one depending on your income, then you probably don’t need life insurance.


Where can I get cheap life insurance?

Cover My Bubble can do a life insurance comparison with lots of life insurance companies as we offer Whole of Market. Don’t use a comparison site, let us do the hard work for you.


What is the best life insurance?

The best life insurance cover is one that can cover you for exactly what you want it to. Plus, one that is affordable for your financial circumstances.


What is term insurance?

Term policies, the most common type of life insurance, only pay out if you die within the duration stated. For example, if you take out a policy for 25 years, then your family can claim if you die during this 25-year period. However, if you die after this term then there would be no pay-out.


Does the pay-out change no matter when you die?

It is dependent on the life insurance policy you buy. If you buy level term insurance, then the pay-out is the same whether you die in year one or the 25th year. A cheaper alternative is decreasing term insurance, where the pay-out gradually becomes smaller over the years. If, for example, you choose a decreasing level policy, then it is often linked to a repayment mortgage because the amount you owe the lender also decreases over time.  

Another option is family income benefit, which pays an income much like a monthly salary rather than a lump sum, from the time of the claim until the end of the term. This is even cheaper than level or decreasing term insurance because the amount being paid out by the insurer is expected to be less overall.

The pay-out can be used to clear debts, pay off the mortgage or just cover everyday expenses. It could even pay for your funeral if you haven’t set anything aside for that.


How long should I have the term?

You’ll need to consider exactly what you want it for. Maybe you want to make sure the policy lasts if your mortgage repayments. Or perhaps linked to your children’s age, so that it won’t expire until they have finished school, turned 18 years old, or finished university. Of course, your own age will have an impact on your decision.


Can I buy life insurance that will pay-out whenever I die?

Yes, it is called whole-of-life assurance. Your family can claim for your policy no matter when you die, unrestricted by a policy term. It is normally more expensive than term insurance, as the insurer knows it will have to pay out eventually.


Are life insurance premiums fixed?

Level and decreasing term insurance, and family income benefit policies, usually have guaranteed fixed premiums throughout the policy term. That said, check the small print as some firms offer ‘reviewable’ premiums, which can be reviewed every 5-10 years and normally go up in price. But whole-of-life assurance is slightly different because it is typically linked to a specific investment. So, if the investment does not perform well, then the premium is likely to increase so the insurer doesn’t lose money.


How much life insurance do I need?

It all depends on your personal circumstances as the amount of cover, also known as the ‘sum insured’ can be different for each family. Let’s say you are married, have a large mortgage and four children, you are going to need more cover than a single parent with a two bedroom flat with one child. Most of the time, the recommended amount to be insured is 10 times your annual salary or income. But obviously, you should make more detailed calculations to make sure you are fully covered.


How much does life insurance cost?

Your premium will vary depending on the type of policy, the size of the sum insured and the risk of a claim – if you have a dangerous job, for example. Also, age is a factor, so life insurance will be more expensive for an older person. Similarly, if a customer is in poor health, they can expect to pay a higher premium. The insurance provider will consider occupation, hobbies, lifestyle – such as weight and fitness – to help determine their premiums. Even postcodes are checked, as certain areas of the country are more likely to claim.


Can I still take out life insurance if I am already unwell?

In truth, it can be difficult to find affordable life insurance if you have a pre-existing medical condition, especially a serious one. Some insurers will just turn you down outright, while others will exclude the condition itself. For example, if you had diabetes, the policy would not pay-out if you died from the disease. You would be covered if your death was not related to your condition or could be proven not to be.

Nevertheless, there are several specialists who offer life insurance to those with pre-existing conditions but be prepared to pay higher premiums because of the high risk of a claim. There are several specialist insurers that offer life cover to people with pre-existing conditions, but you should be prepared to pay a higher price because of the higher risk of a claim.


Can older people buy life insurance?

Yes, but life insurance premiums rise with age and older people will almost certainly pay more for cover. It is still possible to take out life insurance when you are in your 50s, and some firms will accept without medical or health questions.


Can I insure my partner?

Many couples take out joint life insurance, due to convenience and the fact it is normally cheaper. It is worth noting though, that joint life insurance only pays out once (at the first death) and leaves the surviving partner without insurance. It is then more than likely that when the survivor wishes to take out new insurance, the premiums will be expensive, because the person will be older and/or in a worse state of health.


Can the policy pay out a regular income rather than a lump sum?

If you opt for family income benefit, then yes, your beneficiaries will receive an income much like a salary on your death. It is often easier to manage than a lump sum because you don’t need to worry about investing or management fees. Plus, as already noted above, premiums are typically cheaper because the longer you live, the less the insurer must pay.

If, for instance, you take a £30,000 a year policy for 25 years then died in year 20, then the insurer would only pay for five years.


Will my family have to pay tax on any life insurance pay-out?

Proceeds from a life insurance claim are free from income and capital gains tax, however, they can be counted as part of your estate and therefore potentially liable for inheritance tax (IHT). It is easy to side step IHT by writing the policy ‘in trust’, meaning it is not taken as part of your estate when you die.


Can I make changes to my policy?

While you can usually make amendments to your policy, it might result in higher premiums. Additionally, you should also keep your insurer up to date with any changes in circumstance or you might invalidate the cover. So, it is a good idea to regularly review your policy to make any changes you might need, such as marriage, a new home or a new addition to the family.


Are there any common exclusions?

Always read the small print of any life insurance policy to understand the level of cover and the exclusions. As many insurers will not pay out if you die as a result of alcohol abuse, suicide or a drug-related death. It is also difficult to get cover for a pre-existing medical condition, or if you die as a result of a dangerous sport or hobby.


What is critical illness cover?

Critical illness cover pays out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a serious condition during the policy term. However, most policies only pay out once, so if you did claim then your family would not be able to claim again on your death.

Also, the list of conditions is not exhaustive, so check the small print for what is listed.


Are there any other policy add-ons?

Rather than critical illness cover, you can also add terminal illness cover – where you receive a pay-out on being diagnosed with a terminal, life-ending illness or condition.

Another common add-on is waiver of premium, which helps pay the premium when you are unable to work due to illness or injury.


How do I cut the cost of life insurance?

It makes sense to buy life insurance as young as possible as older people pay more for their premiums. So, in your 20s & 30s rather than your 50s. Improving your health, such as losing weight and giving up smoking, can also reduce your premiums.

Another money-saving tip is to shop around. CoverMyBubble can help you get a great deal on your life insurance in a matter of minutes.


If you are after the best life insurance quotes for a life insurance policy, please check with us first. We can do a life insurance comparison with lots of life insurance companies. We offer life insurance in UK with Aviva, Zurich, Vitality and many more. Who needs life insurance comparison when we can do all the hard work for you? You can get life insurance is over 50 or 60 but rates will be increased. For life insurance for mums or dads or children please get in touch. We can do a life insurance online quote using our calculator whilst you are on the phone. 

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