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Floating Bubble

About Us

Why CoverMyBubble you ask.....?? 


Well....the reason behind the name is this..... we’ve always referred to our family as ‘MyBubble’. Everyone has a ‘Bubble’ whether it’s your individual, home, or family life!


We've learnt that having the right cover in place can help considerably should events happen beyond our control. We want this for our Bubble and know its important for others to have it for themselves.


We lost our daughter in 2006 and since that moment we’ve made sure our bubble is protected, even more than we used too. Lillie-Beth is a part of our lives everyday and we feel especially close to her when we see rainbows 🌈. The shape of the rainbow along with its colours gave us the inspiration for the company name and design of our logo.


We want to look at your insurance needs to make sure your ‘Bubble’ is protected should the worst happen..... There’s too many ‘What if’s’ nowadays, so let us briefly review your current circumstances, get to know you a little and present the best suited package available to Cover your Bubble.


Emma Astley 


A small team of highly experienced professionals


We've all got the same beliefs and goals: to make sure every customer has the most suitable policy in place, to make sure the policy is affordable, to make someone smile everyday! 


Emma, Chris, Colin, Jess,

Joanne & Gemma

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